Friday, January 1, 2010

Online New Year's resolutions, anyone?

HAPPY 2010! It's that time of the year again. In my Sunny Side Up! blog, I wrote about making and keeping your New Year's resolutions. As I've mentioned there, placing your New Year's resolutions where you can regularly see them is important. So I thought, for the cyber folks out there, what better way to remind yourself of your promises than posting them online? For one, you can't tear it down and apart. Sure, you can delete it later, but where's the fun in that? As for other advantages, let me digress. People who are more socially active online usually reveal themselves better to "cyberfriends" or e-friends than the ones they personally spend time with. Why? As a self-acclaimed mouse potato, I'd say that the best thing about online friends is that they can't make judgments about who you are as a person. Aside from the witty comebacks that you normally get on your Facebook or blog posts, what you can expect from people you meet online is to take you at "text value." You can expect them to ask how your plans are coming along or at least wish you good luck and cheer you on. No "remember whens" or I-told-you-so's.  Also, going public makes you more accountable. Like being pushed into the spotlight, you are left with no choice but to deliver.

Getting back on track, I looked up a site that does have "bucket list" features. Using my Google eyes, I found My50, a site designed to motivate you about the things that you want to accomplish. The tagline "things to do in my lifetime" speaks for itself. Although it's meant for hosting your lifetime to-do list, some of the posts there are popular New Year's resolution items, such as "clean up my room more often," "lose weight," and "quit smoking." From daily tasks to lifetime goals, My50 enables users to get more creative. It allows you to post pictures, previous accomplishments, and set deadlines. Once a task or goal is done, it gets automatically moved to your Achievements list, so there's no need to cross items out manually. You may also organize your lists into activities and sports, holidays and travel, health and relaxation, making or saving money, and the list goes on! It also has this nice Places to Visit and 50 Suggestions tab. It's like a task-list-and-time-capsule-in-one application. Sounds great, right? You can also choose who get's to see your list, as it can be set to "private" anytime. The best thing about it is that it's free.

That's it for now. I need to go and create my own list. Just the thought of it makes me so excited to start accomplishing them right away. Wish me luck! Either that or start your own list now.

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