Friday, September 11, 2009

Google Adsense disabled???

Wow. It's been a while since I've had the time to write for my own blog. Unfortunately, this comeback is a sad experience. I just found out that my Google Adsense account has been disabled. I know what you're thinking: "What did she do?"

Good question.

I'm wondering about that, too. For one, my application for Google Adsense was disapproved the first time, because I have the misfortune of living in a rather small city where houses and streets aren't numbered. I was informed that I could reapply, but to make sure I won't have problems this time, I decided to send an e-mail to their customer service. Unfortunately, I never received a reply.

And today, just as I was going to post an entry, I found out that my account has been disabled. Usually, this happens when you violate Google Adsense's policies, such as clicking on ads in your own site or soliciting clicks from friends in the blogosphere. I did none of that. In fact, I have not been sent a notification e-mail warning me of a policy violation (like what bloggers' whose accounts have been disabled typically get). I had read the Terms and Conditions meticulously before applying, as I am aware that once you breach any of these, you're going to get kicked for good.

What is mind-boggling for me is that my account has been disabled even if it was never even activated. I thought about giving it another chance and filling out their appeals form. However, I decided against it after reading the forum threads. See for yourself here.

It just doesn't make (Ad)sense. Oh well, I guess I'll just charge this one to experience. It sure won't make me love blogging less.


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